
  • The Association shall be called the Strawberry Hill Residents’ Association (SHRA).
  • The objects of the Association shall be:
  1. To communicate with and involve local residents in helping to look after, and where possible enhance, the amenities of the Strawberry Hill area.
  2. To promote community spirit within Strawberry Hill.
  3. To keep watch on major proposals for local development and planning applications and, in connection with these, to take such action as possible, or necessary, to protect the amenities, the interests of residents, and the heritage of the area, including buildings of special interest.
  4. To associate with other Societies as necessary to further these objects.
  • Membership of the Association shall consist of all the adult, private residents living within the boundaries of Strawberry Hill as defined by the Association.
  • The Association shall be managed by a Committee consisting of Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary (Officers) and up to eleven other members. The work of the Association will be funded through an annual, voluntary subscription which shall be recommended by the Committee subject to ratification at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Committee shall be responsible for the funds of the Association, which shall be applied for the objects set out above.
  • The Committee and Officers shall be drawn from Members of the Association and shall be elected by the members attending the AGM according to agreed procedures. Members of the SHRA Committee will agree to follow a code of conduct. The Committee shall have powers to co-opt members in order to fill vacancies occurring between AGMs.
  • The Committee shall have powers to form sub-committees and to co-opt members to such sub-committees and to appoint experts to advise the Committee or sub-committees as required. Co-opted members and experts shall not have a vote.
  • The Association is a non-political organisation and it will not discriminate on the grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sexuality, disability, religious or political belief, marital status or age.
  • Any personal data on residents held by the Association will be kept in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations.
  • The Financial Year shall run from January 1st to December 31st and independently examined accounts shall be presented at the following AGM.
  • The AGM shall be held as soon as convenient following the end of the Financial Year. 28 days’ notice shall be given to members who may nominate members for the Committee and submit items for discussion by notification to the Secretary not less than 14 days before the date of the meeting.
  • A Special General Meeting (SGM) may be called when necessary by the Committee or on the written application of 15 members. Normally 21 days’ notice shall be given but in cases of special urgency less notice may be given at the discretion of the Committee.
  • Notice in the SHRA Bulletin and/or SHRA social media (SHRA website, Facebook, Twitter) and on the SHRA notice board at Wellesley Parade shall be sufficient for the purposes of sections 10 and 11.
  • If it is impossible to hold normal face-to-face meetings, then online meetings can be organised for SHRA Committee meetings, the AGM and SGM
  • Amendments to the Constitution shall require a two thirds majority by members attending the AGM or at a SGM called for the purpose. All other motions shall be carried by a simple majority. .
  • A proposal to wind up the Association shall require a two thirds majority of members attending an AGM or SGM called for the purpose. On winding up, the Committee shall transfer the balance of funds of the Association to a society or societies having similar objects to SHRA or an appropriate local charity.