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Strawberry Hill Residents’ Association

Carols in the Village Friday 6 December

Another great evening! Thank you to all the residents who came along and to the Richmond Brass Band for accompanying the singing.

A big thanks too to  all our sponsors – included in our Business Directory



Strawberry Hill Residents’ Association

Strawberry Hill is a community in West London on the north bank of the River Thames in the old county of Middlesex.  In 1747, Horace Walpole moved to this area, acquiring a house which he developed into his “little gothic Castle”.  He named it Strawberry Hill and the immediate area is named after his creation. A good starting point for exploring the rich history of this small area is our History page.

An aerial view of part of Strawberry Hill, showing the station (left), Walpole’s Strawberry Hill House (centre right) with St Mary’s University in the foreground and Radnor Gardens on the River Thames (top right)

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